

 It’s September 29th and my little baby is going to be 10months old! I mean where did all that time fly to. Lol It has not been easy to be honest. I don’t know how I have been doing it but I have my husband to thank and God Almighty. Boo boo is recovering slowly and steadily from his illness. We are excited and grateful for the gift of life . This period has taught us a lot. We are thankful for family and friends that did not forget us and were most helpful. Baby Yasmine is growing strong! She’s not a ‘fat’ baby but she’s quite healthy. I was insecure for the longest time and feeling very inadequate ( mum guilt is real guys) that perhaps it was my fault she isn’t as big as the babies I see online. I see the error of my ways now (Haha) and feel almost silly for all of that stress. She’s so smart! My God! She’s soaking everything in like a sponge. We will try our best to see that she reaches her full potentials inshaAllah. I’m also currently at Kebbi house branch working and wasn’t happy


 Hiya!  So I’m a mummy… yaaay. It’s been one hell of a ride, I mean where do I even begin to explain it. Underwhelmingly overwhelming ( if there’s anything like that ) is how I would describe it. I’m loving every single moment though, no lies.  So, I was on a 60 working days leave (3 months in a work calendar) after the birth of my child. I resumed in March 2023 and have been roughing it since. I miss singlehood sha, let me not lie. Now every decision made, the baby has to be factored in. I’m not complaining anyway, it’s another stage of life I longed to have and I’m glad my prayers got answered.  Any discomfort from a child is another story in it’s entirety. Like this evening, her eyes have been super itchy, she has scratched them out and it’s all red. Now we can’t wait till morning to take her to the hospital. She’s 4 months old by the way. My Momoore! God bless and keep you long for us. Ameen. That’s all the gist for tonight. Till some other day or from Canny ( we’ll realize our map


 Good Afternoon! How’s y’all doing??? Like anyone will see this… Lmao. Anyway, I’m just here wondering about my life and my relationship with God. Wondering if I’m doing this life thing right you know. Does He hear me at all? Why aren’t I gifted like some people. No Talent (Honestly none that I can think of ), gift of seeing ( prophetic things ), e.t.c. I really long to hear from Him, to have a personal relationship with Him. To be so sure of His love through thick and thin. Oh Allah, I’m sorry for the occasional doubts in times of trouble. I know You know I’m just being human. Astagfirullah!  Despite everything though, I know you love me like your favorite child.☺️☺️. The paths you have cleared for me so that I can find life easy, Alhamdulilah!  Thanks for the internet and anonymous platforms like this where I can pen down these thoughts. I’m happy about this diary. I’ll glad about the spontaneity of it all.  Muah! 


 Hey people! What’s popping?  A friend once told me ‘Aisha, you are entertaining online. I love your WhatsApp status, I don’t miss it for anything. Why don’t you create a blog and pen down your thoughts, it’ll be very interesting !  And off I went to create a blog. What will I write, what will I post? I’m not even that interesting I thought to myself.  What’s the purpose of this gist you ask. Well, I’m also waiting to find out myself😂😂.  I’m Aisha aka Aeebaby! An Economist, Banker, wifey, soon to be mummy (Ameen). This post happened spontaneously and I’m happy I went with the flow.  Thanks for listening (reading) to my rant! I hope I keep you coming back and glued. Ciao!!